Saturday, April 30

A Summer Itch.

One day, my friends... one day I will be back there. A spring dress flying in the wind, a friend by my side, and the entire day to just run, sing, and laugh. One day, my friends, one day I will be back in the beautiful sunflowers of Italy. I can't wait!


Wednesday, April 20

Finishing your sentence.

This is where art and life come together. Also I have confidence in my understanding of the formal to the point that I don't play with it. I don't want to make that my problem. I know it so well. I have complete confidence in my ability. I don't want to be aware of it or conscious of it. It's not a problem for me. Those problems are solvable, I solve them, can solve them beautifully. In fact, my idea now is to discount everything I've ever learned or been taught about those things and to find something else. So it is inevitable that it is my life, my feelings, my thoughts. And there I'm very complex. I'm not a simple person and the complexity-- if I can name what it consists of-- is the total absurdity of life. I guess that's where I relate...

Eva Hesse

Life is absurd.

Wednesday, April 13

Enchanting Boy.

Keep your mind busy. OKAY, here we go.

What is your current state of mind?
Confusion, but in a twisted way- peaceful. Does that answer the question?

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Sitting outside... on a perfect 70 degree, no wind, fall day reading an amazing novel, listening to Frank Sinatra, waiting for that one special guy who is going to make all my childhood dreams come alive as we stroll the streets talking and sharing precious memories. Put that into a jar and that is what I find as true and perfect happiness.

What is your greatest fear?
Missed opportunities..... and water.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Historical? Hmm... can I go with Nietzsche? Does he make a historical impact?

Which living person do you most admire?
My Mother. I know, super cliche, but how can I honestly say anyone else? She is the most patient and loving person in this entire world and I am amazed that she created me... a super impatient little girl. I hope that one day I grow into the person she is.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Judgement and arrogance. It's true... and every day I serve I am reminded of why I need to fix that.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Ignorance. Despise!

What is it that you most dislike?
Strange question. What I dislike about what? Foods? People? Myself? Society? The list can go forever so  I'm just going to simply put black olives.

What is your greatest extravagance?
My imagination. My mind.

What do you most value in your friends?
Understanding. Support even when I am making the wrong decisions.

What is your favorite journey?
Any that I take by myself, well with my ipod of course.

What is your most treasured possession?
A stuffed dog.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
... let me think about it and I will get back to ya.

On what occasion do you lie?
When I'm about to be caught in one. Haha, no- honestly, I hardly ever lie... the only time I do is when I think you can't handle the truth.

Which living person do you most despise?
Any rapist out there. You are all on my despise list.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My family. They've been there through the thick and thin... always loving!

When and where were you happiest?
I started to cry when I was in the Pantheon for the first time. I'm going to go with that.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My inability to just get up and go. Get out there. Figure it out and make a life worth remembering. I'm working on it!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Going to Italy. Period.

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
Nothing. Who am I to change them. Stupid.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
A loss of a child.

What is your favorite occupation?
Student! haha. I hate school as much as I love it.

Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
Gandalf the Grey... or White... doesn't really matter.

How would you like to die?
Mmm... surrounded by loved ones or doing something great/completely inappropriate. hehe.

What is your motto?
"The greatest thing you'll ever know, is just to love and be loved in return." Nat King Cole


"Amor Fati" Nietzsche

Sunday, April 10

Chh chh changing

I've noticed that I have been slacking a little in the area of keeping my blog alive. Therefore, here I am trying to scramble the past few weeks into a simple, yet constructive, blog. Please bare with my attempt!

I guess the most important events in my life lately have been dealing with my gradual growth and change. Most consider this a normal, day by day activity, but let me tell you something, I'm anything but normal. I usually despise change when I am forced to deal with  it and I usually avoid it at all costs. I mean, seriously- I have used the same lotion since birth and if you don't believe me just ask my closest friends- I constantly smell of baby lotion! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to all changes and I even love some... especially if they are for the better-- I just often find myself stuck between what I had and what I now have, which makes for a series of strange events. I suppose that changes are inevitable, but for some reason this past month has been change after change after change.

I recently got into a car accident and ruined my first car, as well as, joined the "team rands" in ruining cars! YAY!  Obviously, because of my lack of car my father and I spent hours trying to find a decent replacement....okay, he spent hours, but I declared yes or no! I had only one criteria... it be the same car I had. Most, I understand, would take this opportunity to find something new and different, but I just wanted my little white car back. Thankfully we found a little red car that pretty much looks the exact same, but was actually a steal! A little newer and a little nicer is always a good time! I'm enjoying the new car and even though I don't know every thing about her yet, I figure we have time!

New car leads to new hair, right? For the past... oh I dunno- since I was eighteen I have had practically the same hair style. Black, with emo side swoop bangs, and straight. My hair, I often say, is my safety blanket so for me to change it is a pretty different and big deal.  It is the same color and even the same length but I have always wanted the bangs that Katy Perry has and practically every librarian in the country. Simple, yet modern. Completely nervous about the ordeal, I had a co-worker work his magic in my bathroom and I must say, I adore the change. However, every comment (other than my mother's) was, "it's different...." with an awkward pause and a slight smile. Thanks for telling me it looks like crap in the most sincere and nicest way possible. Haha. Just kidding. I think it will take some getting used to and my roommate, I know, will never like it- but it's there and I am gonna enjoy the changes. P.S. My mom was actually the first to say that she likes it... strange.... really strange....

New hair, new car, what else? Little things here and there and yes, I am completely overwhelmed. I usually take things a step at a time and for some reason, life isn't allowing that type of philosophy anywhere near by. I hope that life calms down a little bit because finals and my massive research papers are just around the corner. Did  you hear me life? I am a little stressed, back off! No, I'm handling everything one day at a time and my free spirit is getting more and more practice. I plan to spend my free time this week sitting outside on the lawn reading my new book and listening to this song....

and maybe snacking on some chocolates. It's time for spring and even though I detest spring clothing, I am determined to enjoy the new summer sun. Bring it on, life, bring it on.

Other than that, and my slight failure at being a student at the moment, I really have nothing new happening to me. I hope this catches up those of you reading this blog and hopefully next time I will have something of more substance prepared! haha.

As I close this blog I do realize that my life is practically nothing compared to other's out there struggling to survive, so I must say... my life is simple in comparison and I am blessed that each day I can get up and do the things that I desire. I wouldn't be here without my family and friends and I sure as heck wouldn't be here without my stubborn personality. I am thankful that my life consists of getting new hair cuts and not searching for lost loved ones. To those I can do so little for, in my own sense, I am praying for you.

<3 Katy